Practical Life

Offered to assist your child, Practical Life activities develop a sense of order, concentration, independence, fine motor skills, grace, courtesy and respect for others.

Sensorial Activities

An array of activities to assist your child in understanding the information he / she receives from his / her environment for these activities help your child appreciate, discriminate and understands his / her world.

Language Arts

Through the use of a multitude of activities like nursery rhymes and story telling your child first learns his phonetic sounds, phonetic reading and writing, phonograms and blends, which leads to fluent reading.


Alphabet through songs.


All mathematics activities incorporate the use of concrete materials which will guide your child to learn to count to ten, and slowly progress to solving complicated addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.

Bahasa Malaysia

Learning of our national Language through a fun and enjoyable method to help each individual child remember read and spell.

Science Experiments

All these activities are interesting and fun as they are all "hands on". Prediction and analysis are also incorporated into each experiment.

Music and Movement

Learning to sing songs and make music by using various musical percussion to create fun movements.

Social and Physical Education

Your children will get to play "Water Play", "Sand Play" and other organized activities. Their gross motor skills are developed while social development is enhanced during these activities as children learn to play, take turns, share and have fun with their friends.

Fun and Play

Learning corner like library, toys like lego, and hands on activity like dough rolling.

Arts and Craft

Allowing children to use their wonderful imagination and to explore the world of colours through crayons and paints.

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Last update Nov 2019